

Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to invest in real estate. Maybe you want to aim for early retirement. Or maybe you have a house full of goods you’d like to give to charity. Whatever it is, the way you structure your tax plan in each of these scenarios can make all the difference.

That’s where I can help. There are over 2,600 pages in the current US tax code, and well over 1 million words. For comparison, the Bible (KJV) only has 790,000 words. Instead of trying to slog through all those rules & benefits to find what may apply to you, let me do the heavy lifting for you. Through consultations and tax return appointments I will breakdown the tax code into easily digestible bits of information that apply directly to your scenario, ensuring you tax savings opportunities year after year.

our Approach


It all begins with a plan. The key to a successful tax structure and financial foundation is planning. That is why we discuss projections for the future in every meeting we have. Even taking minimal steps to improve your tax scenario through planning each year can have life changing results.



As a business owner, if the only time you think about tax is when you’re filing your tax return once a year, you’re fighting an uphill battle. We provide programs and highly recommend opportunities that allow you to consult with us throughout the year to develop your tax plan and business plan with our professionals. Tax season is not the only time to think about tax. Once you start thinking and planning ahead you’ll be amazed at the tax saving strategies that become available to you through planning.

do it

Once we’ve made a plan and highlighted the savings strategies available to you, it’s time for action. Life changing levels of tax savings require effort and follow through. We’ll make sure you know the timeline and deadlines for each aspect of the plan we create so you can hit the ground running after each planning meeting. We’ll also provide year round support to ensure you have the resources you need to implement these tax savings strategies and be confident every step of the way.